

" THE WAKE UP SONG " - 13 Aprile 2011

Posted on mercoledì 13 aprile 2011 |

" Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it
You play the guitar on the MTV
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and chicks for free
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya them guys ain't dumb
Maybe get a blister on your little finger
Maybe get a blister on your thumb

We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's

See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup
Yeah buddy that's his own hair
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
That little faggot he's a millionaire

We gotta install microwave ovesns
Custom kitchens deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's

I shoulda learned to play the guitar
I shoulda learned to play them drums
Look at that mama, she got it stickin' in the camera
Man we could have some fun
And he's up there, what's that? Hawaiian noises?
Bangin' on the bongoes like a chimpanzee
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Get your money for nothin' get your chicks for free

We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's, Lord

Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
You play the guitar on the MTV
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and your chicks for free
Money for nothin' and chicks for free .. "

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If I had a World of my own ..

End of a Day


Uneasy Love

Sliding ..


17 50 50d 6 abuso acdc acqua adriatico aeroplane ago air all all star allevi america graffiti amiche amici amore and animali anni annunci aperitivo appassiti appunti aprile arrabbiata arrabbiatura arrabbiature arte artisti asahi assenza auguri baby bacchetta bagnato bagno balck eyed bambini banana barry basil basilico beach beatles bed bedroom bedtime behind bianchi bicchiere bici bicicletta big bike biscotti blocco block blog blue bohemian boogie woogie book botanico brake breakfast brevetto brutta brutto buddy bunny buongiorno butler cacca caffè caldo california caloria calorie camera camera da letto camerlengo campagna campanello campo candela candid canguro canon canzone carry cartelli casta castelbolognese cavarzere caviezel cazzeggio cemento cena centralinista centralino cervi cetriolo chances lessons chat cherry chiacchiere chiarella chili choices ciambelle ciliegia cimici civetta clapton cloud clouds coccinelle coffee colazione coldai collana colleghi collins come sei veramente comes compleanno computer conero confronto conga coniglietto cooking cool corso così costa costaricano crudo cucina cucire cultura curtis da daily daini darkness day decadence decoupage deed deficienti delta deradoorian dew di diener dieta dire disco distortion distrazione dolci domenica don't donavon donni donut doolittle doughnut drop drops drufus dune eliza epoca erba eric estate eyes faces faenza farley fatto fax febbraio federica fedina feminine femminile ferie ferrara ficcanaso fighters film filo fin fine fiore fiori flow flower flowers fly foo for forbici fortuna fossili foto fotografia fragole frankenreiter frase frasi freddie freddo freno fresco frutta no fuerteventura funny gaillard galline gamberetti gang garden gelato generator george Gestetner MP 171 SPF ghiandaia giardino giornata giorno giovanni girasoli girl girls gita given gocce grammatica gruppo halloween happy heavy hobby hoffman holiday holidays holly home horror hot hour hustle i'm idea4usonly ideaforusonly impressioni inglese inquinamento insegnante instant internet intervista inxs io irritazione island istruttore italiana jack jamiroquai jenni jersey jive john jonahas5globes jonahasfiveglobes jwoow karma kinda kramer la distilleria lago lake lampada latte lavori di casa lavoro legge legno lennon lie lifeline lime litigi litigio livello lost love lucida lume macchie magazzinieri magazzino magic mail malattia malessere maltempo mamma man marche marco cacciatori mare marina marmotte martedi matita matrimoni matrimonio mattinata mattino mayfield me meccanici medicine mercury messenger metal michael milk minolta x 300 money montagna morning moroso mostra mountain move mr murphy music musica muther natale nebbia need negramaro negrita night noia nokia notes nothing notte nuoto nuovo odio officina onde orrendo orrore orto pantera papavero paure pavimento pearl jam peas pejo penna pepe peppers permaloso pesce phil photo pianta grassa piatto pic pioggia pipistrello piscina piumini plastica po polesine pomodoro poppy portafortuna porto porto tolle posta elettronica postina power prato presets pretending primavera primo pro punti puntini queen rabbia radio rain raised ravenna receptionist red regalo rémi resin resina rhapsody rica ridere risate ristorante giapponese risveglio ritardo roberto robin rock rock'n roll rod rolling romagna rovesciare ruggine rugiada rust sad sale sassuolo saw saying scorpions scultura sea seaside seccata seccature sedano see sesso set sewing sexuality shooting shore shot shots sista sito skulls sleep smartphone smile smog social sole solitudine something song sonno sono sorriso sospensione spend spezie spiaggia spice splatter sports spring stanchitù stitichezza stones stradali straits stranezze streaming strokes succo succulent summer sun sunday suocera surf sushi sveglia sweets tastiera tasto tecnologia tedesco temper teschi texture the thicke things tipiche toccare together tolle tonight tour trap trekking trio triste trouble tyna ufficio umido una undercover unthought known uomine uomini up urban vacanze val valentina valentina casta vasetti vespa VI viaggio video vipere vita voce wake water web webcam wedding weddings week end weezer white who wood wtf your